Sunday, June 12, 2005

A Portrait of the Cruel Justice

A Portrait of the Cruel Justice
The expulsion and execution of the innocent Palestinians
July 25, 2002

There has been a barrage of gaga in the world community over the Israeli tactic to the Palestinian suicide bombings that the families of the suspected perpetrators in the West Bank are deported to the Gaza Strip, as if this measure is a new collective punishment against the Palestinian people.

Contrarily, the transfer (an euphemism for ethnic cleansing used by the Jews and adopted by the news media) of the aboriginal Palestinians from their homeland has been a not-so-secret policy of the Israeli governments since its inauguration in 1948 and it has become the Ariel Sharon’s “Final Solution” to settle the Middle East conflict once and for all.
There is not a dime’s worth of difference between the Nazis expulsion of European Jews and Sharon’s tactics of uprooting the Palestinians from their native homeland.

While George W. sings another nursery rhyme of Humpty-Dumpty peace process at the world arena, our “man of peace” in Jerusalem, Ariel Sharon, is on the warpath as usual, corralling all the Palestinian residents in the West Bank into the biggest prison in the world, bulldozing the houses of the suicide bombers and putting their father, mothers, brothers, and sisters under arrest in preparation for expelling into this time Gaza Strip, next time who know where maybe pushing them into the Mediterranean Sea.

Sharon has always maintained that the millions of Palestinian refugees living outside of Palestine have left voluntarily on their own will to find the better place to live after the Jews moved in the region, where the Jews have the historical, biblical, and exclusive rights to live in.
He has advocated the policy of Jewish exclusivism as official as Nazis declared that Europe would one day be “Judenfrein” (Jews free), so that Jews one day would be living in the region free of Palestinians.

For Sharon, in order to achieve the Jews-only nation, a “Final Solution” is a one and only option and other gestures of peace process are just a peripheral exercise to implement the policy of the final solution, that is, the transfer (ethnic cleansing) of all Palestinians from the region permanently to anywhere or nowhere, as the Nazi eliminated all the Jews from Europe.
For him, the independent and sovereign Palestinian State, a bi-nation solution, has been an unbearable nightmare and anathema to his Jews-only Zionistic ideology.

The Hitlerian gangs have employed, during the WWII, a series of draconian and cruel methods to achieve the Final Solution on the European Jews, such as expulsion, incarceration, collective punishment, torture, targeted assassination, and massacre.
As a bizarre ode to Nazis, the Jews have copied most, sans the gas chamber, of the “Nazi justices” against Palestinians and applied them to the plight of the Palestinian neighbors, making Palestinian life as much miserable as possible in order to entail somewhat for them voluntarily depart from their native homeland.

As the wave after wave of suicide bomb attacks inflict unbearably upon the Jewish civilians life, the extreme form of the Jewish fascism raised its ugly head not in the war-torn Israel proper but in the democratic and Bill of Rights country, USA.
Nathan Lewin is a prominent Washington lawyer who was often mentioned for the Federal judgeship and a Jewish community leader who served as president of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists and is a vice president of the Orthodox Union.

He raised publicly an unthinkable, unethical, immoral, fascistic and illegitimate concept of executing innocent civilians in the hopes of curbing terrorism and preventing Jewish casualties. (Oops, don’t make any mistakes about the definition of innocent civilians: they are innocent Palestinian civilians who happened to be the families of the suspected perpetrators against the Jewish people.)
What is his high-minded legal opinion? “If executing some suicide-bomber families saves the lives of even an equal number of potential civilian victims, the execution is, I believe, ethically permissible.”

“It is a policy born of necessity…the need to find a true deterrent when capital punishment is demonstrably ineffective”, and as traditionally as other Judaic fundamentalists, he quoted the biblical injunction to destroy the ancient tribe of Amalek as justification for taking measures that are ordinarily unacceptable in the face of a maximum threat on the Jewish life.

Some may argue that Lewin does not represent the overall opinion of the Jewish Americans and dismiss his draconian measures as a wacko argument that deserves no merit to consider.
However, considering the Jewish illuminati like Professor Allan Dershowitz and Abraham Foxman, the national director of the ADL (Anti-Defamation League), stand to support Lewin’s argument as “a legitimate attempt to forge a policy for stopping terrorism”, Lewin’s fascistic opinion gains momentum to leapfrog into the mainstream quorum. (Professor Dershowitz became an infamous scholar advocating the limited use of torture to extract information from the suspect about impending terrorist attack,)

In other words, these Jewish American jurists attempted skillfully to justify the torture and even the state-administered murder of innocent Palestinian civilians in an excuse saving other innocent lives, specifically Jewish lives… that is, the judicial killing of innocent Palestinian civilians is a necessary cruelty that copied the Hitlerian killings of the families of the Jewish resistance partisans during the WW II. (the IDF soldiers had an outrageous chutzpah to copy the Nazis by painting the forehead and arms of corralled Palestinians with numbers as if the Jews were numbered the same way by Nazis in the concentration camps.)

It would be interesting to hear Lewin’s argument if the situation were reversed in favor of his arch enemy Arabs…such as a Jewish fanatic machine-gunned to kill the dozens of innocent Muslims praying in their mosque or the Stun Gangs (one of former PM Yitzhak Shamir was a member) raped and massacred hundreds of innocent Palestinian Arabs and dynamited their homes, or Sharon committed the war crime in Lebanon massacring thousands of innocent Palestinian refugees including women and children, or the IDF F-16 fighter-pilot delivered one-ton bomb in the apartment building to kill a dozen of children in an air-strike against their enemy target..

Would he support the legal argument of Hamas or Palestinian “terrorists” that the families of these Jewish perpetrators should be executed by their suicide bombers in order to deter other Jewish fanatics repeat another cruelties against the innocent Palestinians?
Lewin crowed: “when there is no other deterrent, self-defense entitles one to take measures that are ordinarily unacceptable.”
Moreover, he even ridiculed an idea that the house of suicide bombers should be demolished after the residents were given a chance to evacuate, comparing it as “using aspirin to treat brain cancer.

How does he rebut the argument of the suicide bombers who have no other deterrent except their own bodies to defend themselves from Jewish atrocities and was forced to take measures that are ordinarily unacceptable? (Who dares not to take the suicide bombing as an ordinarily unacceptable method?)
Should the suicide bombers be exonerated of not to inform the innocent Jewish people before their fatal attack, because they did not want to prescribe, as Lewin disparaged it, aspirin but deadly explosives to treat their arch enemy?
How could he reject the self-sacrifice of Palestinian youths as a military necessity for them revolting against the colonial occupier, as the Jewish resistance fighters sacrificed their lives in their fight against the Nazis during the Holocaust era?

The violence of aboriginal people against the occupiers has always been in reaction to the usurpation of their land and lives by the colonial occupiers of European descendants, as well in the North America the Comanche, Apache, and Cheyenne were not the instigators, as in Palestine Arabs are the recipients of horrific level of Israeli violence, forcing them to take a necessary action against the state-run terrorism of the occupying forces.

Even a dumbest fool would be able to attest, by simple glance at the maps offered by the Israeli government in the peace process, the similarities of life between the Indian Reservations then and Palestinian Bantustans now.
As the European descendants have encircled the American Indians, described as savages, with the “white-only” zones with the shoot-to-kill orders centuries ago, the Jews have penned the Arabs, painted as terrorists, in pig sties surrounded by Jews-only road, walls, settlements, and checkpoints for 24 hours.

No one knows this historical repetition and consequences better than Ariel Sharon himself, who has been devoting his whole life advancing the fascist religion of perpetual war against the Arabs in order to achieve the Jewish exclusivism in the borderless Greater Israel.
As white men were arousing the American Indians into the violent action so that they could be driven from reservation after reservation out to more remote and unlivable area, Sharon creates constantly the reactionary violence to make the Palestinians unlivable to resort to more attack on the Israelis so that they could be driven from their homes out cross the Jordan River or penned them all into the biggest pig sty in the Gaza Strip.

Of course, Sharon wants peace, a peace on his term, a Palestinian-free Jewish-only nation, and a bi-nation solution is only acceptable for him on condition that the Palestinians live in the penal colonies, where they have absolutely no access to anywhere but are subjected to the whim of Jew boys.
He is therefore copying both tactics of cruel justices what the European descendants prescribed to the American Indians and what Nazis administered to the Jews, so that this may allow him to corral all Palestinians into the Israeli version of several “Indian Reservations” or even to expel them out of the Judeo-Nazi country.
That is his bottomline of justice and that’s why he thanks the Israeli fighter pilot that massacred 15 innocent Palestinians, including nine of sleeping children.


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