Monday, June 20, 2005

What is the Holy Trinity?

What Is The Holy Trinity
January 3, 2005

“There are three subjects, politics, sex, and religion, in which some wise sage coached the general population not to discuss these subjects. But these sages – politicians, harlot owners, and religious leaders, were the very ones who would profit most from a lack of discussion on any of those subjects.”

This, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, thing is always bothering me.
Does anyone have any good explanation about it?

Jesus Christ, according to the pulpit, is the second person in the Trinity, the Father being the first and the Holy Ghost the third…each of these three persons is God…that is, God exists in three persons, but these are not three Gods but one God revealing himself in three person.

In secular understanding, the son (Jesus Christ) is just as old as his father, and the father is just as young as his son.
The son was begotten by the father, but existed before he was begotten. Christ is his own father and his own son. The Holy Ghost is neither father nor son, but both.
Therefore, it is declared that the Father is God, and the Son God and the Holy Ghost God, and that these three Gods make one God.

As a stupid lay Christian, I could not fathom the depth of the Christian dogma, but easily overcome by the secular understanding of the Trinity that only gives me confusion and ambiguity. (I also wonder how many lay Christians in the Korean Christian Community grasp the mystical doctrine of the Trinity.)
I am in constant annoyance in dealing with this matter and I could not transcend the secularity with theological connotation.

Only I encountered the enigma with a pastor who urges me a blind faith and continued prayers 7/24 fashion.
Some says that I got to attend an evangelical and messianic revival meeting, and to sing, holy-roll, speak in tongue, go rapture with abandon.
Is there someone with crystal ball telling me an ancient Chinese secret to make me feel at home on this essential Christian dogma, the Holy Trinity?

Pepe Sojourner
January 3, 2005


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