Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Kamikaze Assaults

The Kamikaze assaults: a blowback to the US foreign policy
September 14, 2001

The term “blowback”, that was first invented by the CIA officials for their own internal use, refers to the unintentional consequences of the US foreign policies, in which Uncle Sam strolls leisurely around the world as if walking on its own garden, remakes the globe in its image, and resultantly pays back with costly price tags.
Kamikaze means in Chinese character “divine wind”, referring to the Japanese fighter pilots who embark on the suicide mission against the US fleet during the WWII, plunging into the enemy ship with bombs and committing suicide for the sake of Shintoism.

As King George and his hawkish gendarmes are whipping up the torrential winds of revenges with maximum forces against the Kamikaze attacks on America in September 11 2001, nine out of ten Americans, according to the ABC poll, endorse the military retaliation against the perpetrators and the institution whoever and whatever they may be, old, women, children, innocent, or invalid, and Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, or North Korea—that is, nothing is unthinkable or unimaginable in punishing terrorists who killed thousands of innocent Americans.

King George bleats: “Make no mistake about it. We will win”, as a gaggle of politicians, courtiers, and uniformed officers standing behind him with the ominous and macabre nods.
An anchorwoman chokes on her emotional anger and weeps: “why? Why? Why?”
People in the street blurt out: Arab bastards go to hell, and march to the Mosque and throw firebombs at the Muslim grocery stores.
Young men rush to the Army Recruiting Office to join the military.

All Americans are on the warpath, calling the terrorist assaults as an act of war, the second Pearl Harbor, without knowing that they already have been engaged in direct warfare in the Middle East in one form or another for better part of half a century.
The media quote one of the Japanese general’s saying after the Pearl Harbor attack: “the Japs woke up a sleeping giant”, implying that the US government has been a benign bystander in the world affairs and suddenly being drawn to the unprovoked terrorist attack

They all are in a frenzied mood to corral and intern all Arab-Americans into the barbwired concentration camps as they did to the Japanese-Americans during the WWII.
They only regret and grind their teeth, asking why the world’s mightiest army was humiliated with the destruction of the Pentagon, how the world’s richest nation was paralyzed with the collapses of Mammon Towers, and whether their vast webs of spooks, NSA, CIA, DIA, FBI, INS, DEA, and thousands of local cops were doing catnap.

However, no one, from Dubya, Democrats, media pundits, or think tank analysts, to Joe Blow, housewife or college kid, gives a long hard look at why the US is always a target of terrorism, what the US have done to other people incurring such horrendous angers, and how the US can avoid such antagonistic behaviors by their neighbors.
Since they have been living in a house with no mirrors so long time that they do not know whether they have clothes on, stark naked, look good or do evil things.

Americans have been living in Orwellian world such a way that they only understand in terms of the American exceptionalism: any terrorist attack on Americans are totally unjustifiable and unprovoked acts of inhumane barbarism committed by envious foreigners, without admitting that their government has not been sleeping but vigorously implementing the American Way of foreign policies, of which causes the intolerable anger, frustration, and hopelessness from many recipients who eventually bet on terrorism, an obvious form of blowback, through the acts of sabotage, abduction, suicide bombing, and so on that are readily available as the poor man’s nuclear weapon.

In the aftermath of horrendous attacks on Tuesday, the US government as readily expected blamed on Osama bin-laden as the culprit without revealing any evidence backing up of their claim and the US media in unison ducktalk it accusing Taliban regime of harboring him.
However, they all neglect to inform the American people that the past Reagan-Bush Administration had armed these mullahs and Saudi terrorists to the teeth and furnished billions of dollars in order to fight the Soviet Army in Afghanistan in the 80s, spawning a monster to harm American themselves, that is, a blowback to their hegemonic policy has come home to roost.

Bin-laden was furious over the present occupation of 20,000 American servicemen in Saudi Kingdom after the Gulf War as in the same way the Soviets invaded in Afghanistan, declaring that: “For years, the US has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples.”

Accordingly, bin-Ladin called for all Muslims as a duty killing the Americans and their allies, Crusader-Zionist alliance and it is in accordance with the words of Almighty God.
Carrying $5 million bounty on his head since early bomb attacks on the World Trade Center, the US Embassies in Africa and the US warship in Yemen, bin-Laden is not the only former US friend who betrays his master (US)…Saddam Hussein was a US asset in the region before the Gulf War, Manuel Noriega in Panama was an errand boy for Uncle Sam before he irked George Sr.’s anger, and even Ho Chi Minh, an admirer of Thomas Jefferson, was a friend helping the US fighting against Japan during WWII and Ho eventually has humiliated the American pride and inflicted damage heavily on the American lives.
In the West Bank town of Palestine, elated Palestinian youths who appear to be of 14 or 15 years of age cheered and showed a sign of Victory, saying that they couldn’t careless whether they die for their cause now or later because the Israelis are going to kill them all one way or another.

Terrorist organizations historically operate based on illusion that their random acts of violence would eventually bring forth the compromise or concession by their target.
Instead, the violent deaths of innocents by terror only play into the hands of warmongers, oil barons, and hackneyed politicians who seize on such pandemonium to justify for an eye-for-an-eye revenge and exploit the public sensation in pursuit of the political, economic, and military interests.

For example, the US Congress already has given Dubya $20 billions as just a down payment for fighting terrorism that fattens the pockets of the defense industry. Chevron, Exxon-Mobile, et al maximize their profit to excuse themselves from charging exorbitant oil prices to the energy-hungry sectors of the world. Dubya, in an economic hellhole, grins with a sigh of relief that he can lead a flock of disoriented and confused sheep to the panic frontier of war of revenge, salivating to rob the sacred cow of the Social Security Fund “lockbox” without much fanfare.
An array of warmongers gathers around the banks of microphones lamenting that these tragedy had been possible because America is a democracy, therefore the Bill of Rights needs to be look into it, and the FBI already raided the Texas-based Muslim websites while another band of agents installed the “Carnivore” software in the ISP in order to snoop the internet flows of information, in which ultimately gather the intelligence and data that establish the national ID card system separating American people along the line of the ethnic background.

Terrorism by Osama bin-Laden or the state-sponsored and sanctioned atrocities are fundamentally abominable, callous, and despicable acts of mass murder that must be eliminated in the name of humanity, liberty and democracy.
The point of an issue here is whether an eye for and eye or a tooth for a tooth against terrorism is an ultimate answer or another blowback to breed.
It is true that an elephant was stung by a rogue band of fire ants that are determined to die for the sake of their families, and it is also an undeniable reality that an elephant cannot kill them because they kill themselves, as if the NMD (National Missile Defense) is no match for a kamikaze bomber carrying a box-cutter.

Sadly, history tells us clearly what we expect to see in next weeks:
That there would be no more talks in dealing with terrorism because it is like a deaf (George) is talking to a deaf (bin-Laden), every killing machines rolling out from the storage, fine-tuned and programmed in high-tech fashion, and the first 21 century massacre envelopes in the multi-frontal war zones. And for a moment, American families gather around at the dinner table and taste the gushing flow of blood watching six o’clock news on CNN of the pyrotechnic fireworks by their patriotic and courageous warriors pulverizing a bunch of less worthy mortals, flat-nosed and dark-skinned bastards.

For some time, Americans would be sated with the triumph of revenge and oblivious about the fact that a blowback can lead to another blowback until they are vicious enough to kill all of terrorists, during which process of an eye for an eye, we all go blind, and of a tooth for a tooth, we all lose our teeth.
And King George promises: I am a loving guy, but I have a job to do and make no mistake about it. We, Americans, will prevail, no matter we all go blind or lose all our teeth.
And the drumbeat of war goes on and on, and terrorism is here to stay.


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