Saturday, June 24, 2006

Democracy, American Style (4)

Democracy, American Style (Finals)
December 18, 2000

“Democracy was neutered by a judicial coup.”

As examined and predicted through Part one to three in “Democracy, American Style”, American democracy was short-circuited and finalized by the wisdom (?) of the robed jurists who were appointed along the political party lines.
In developing countries like Pakistan, South Korea, and Sierra Leone, the power grabs were often achieved by a strong-arm tactics or military coup that Americans disparage profusely for its illegitimacy.
When a black-robed gang of Republican-appointed five justices has clinched and rendered the Presidency through a highly specious adjudication to their party candidate, Americans sing in chorus a mantra of “heal the wounds and stand behind our Chief”.

Were these Justices more legitimate, wise, civilized, unbiased, rightful, judicious, or even heavenly in determining who won the presidency than ten million voters did? Then, why bother to cast votes and spend over three billion dollars from the beginning? Why not these Justices flip the coin to choose the Chief?
Apparently, these Justices believed that a blue-blood political family is too valuable to risk irreparable harm and six millions of Florida voters are not significant enough their votes to be counted.
While the Justices acknowledged that there were irregularities in counting votes, they gulped up the violation of constitution and spit out a legalized presidency for their boy, because the time has run out for vote counting.

Only in appearance the Justices reside and cocoon in putative haven of impartiality and gracious halo of fairness…
A doyen of five gangs, William Rehnquist, has a brilliant resume in suppressing minority votes in Arizona after finishing as a clerk under the Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson who was against Brown v. Board of Education. He became controversial during the Senate confirmation hearing for his appointment as a Supreme Court Justice when he owned the house that the title prohibits the sale of the property to blacks or Jews.
Antonin Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion blocking the recounting decision by the Florida Supreme Court, blatantly told that he would resign if Al Gore becomes president, because he has no chance of becoming a Chief Justice. His son works in Bush lawyer Ted Olson’s law firm.
Sandra Day O’Conner, one of erstwhile swing voters in the Supreme Court, was a Reagan and Bush appointee and she allegedly said that she would not resign the seat in order not to give Gore chance to appoint a liberal Justice.

One of the remarkable irony in the Supreme Court hearing was there was a black face among nine Justices, Clarence Thomas who has kept mum during the entire proceeding…some suggest that he kept silent because his Caucasian wife works for the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank that coordinate the recruitment of new Bush team.
But his deafening silence did not bode well for the thousands of black voters in Florida who were disfranchised and harassed by the state authorities, and his blackness in skin seems to be only akin to other disfranchised niggers while his whiteness in heart appears to be more close to the white gangs.
Justice Thomas stood against almost everything that benefits the black people…he was the first Supreme Court Justice in history to criticize the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education ruling outlawing school segregation, and he does not support the Affirmative Action. He is an epitome of Uncle Sam who dares to betray and suppress his own people.

In a nutshell, five wise men clothed Dubya a legal president with no mandate from American people.
However, who needs a mandate when you have legislature, executive branch, and the Supreme Court in your back pocket?
Anyway, people around the world should congratulate American people that they finally have a president, and George W would not disappoint the people who laugh at his tortured English syntax with his deer-in-the-headlights stare.

Here are some additional gaffes he made since November:
The great thing about America is everybody should vote. Austin Texas, December 8.
Dick and I do not want this nation to be in recession. We want anybody who can find work to be able to find work. 60 minutes, CBS, December 5.
The Legislature’s job is to write law. It is the executive branch’s job to interpret law. Austin Texas, November 22.

Americans used to have a Republican Vice President, Dan Quayle, who can not spell potatoes, and again they have a privilege to have a fun of President redux.
God bless America.


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