Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Moonies and Friends

Moonies and friends: Three Kims, Bush family and the Vatican

May 26, 2001

For over half a century since Rev. Sun Myung Moon had established his Unification Church in Pusan, South Korea in 1954, the politically savvy and religiously flamboyant “messiah” has spun a worldwide spider’s web of influence, hobnobbing with a smorgasbord of politicians, media gurus, and religious leaders.
The names in Moon Inc.’s telephone directory speak for itself: DJ Kim, JP Kim, JI Kim, George H W Bush, Revs. Jerry Falwell (Moral Majority) and Pat Robertson (700 Club), Minister Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam), Archbishop and Priest from the Vatican, businesses of Tong-IL Group, H WH Group and One-Up Enterprises, newspapers of the Washington Times, Ultimas Noticias, and Tiempos del Mundo.

The Moon Inc. is a 1,200 sprawling collection of churches (Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity), nonprofit foundations (Family Federation for World Peace) and for profit holding companies whose global operations include computers and religious icons in Japan, seafood processing factories in Alaska, weapons and ginseng in South Korea, a huge tract of land in South America (the future site of the Unification Church Headquarter), a university in Bridgeport, Connecticut, a recording studio in Manhattan, New York City (Moon’s eldest son runs it), a horse farm in Texas, a golf course in California, and media venture in the US, Brazil, Uruguay, Japan, and South Korea.

The Moonies are awash with cold cash for use gaining influence on the recognition of Rev Moon as Messiah and support his spiritual and political agenda that spare no boundary in every corner on the earth.
Since his departure from the US to South America after serving 13 months in the Federal Prison for the tax fraud, Moonies are retreating from the god’s business and replacing it with the family value and world peace, like mass weddings, a series of forums and discussion groups for family value and one-world/ one-religion.
They pay anything and everything they think it gets influence and their hanky-panky business with the powerful connection has spanned over three decades worldwide from North and South Korea to the US, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil, and Russia.

During the 1978 US congressional investigation on the Korea-gate scandal, internal reports by the CIA, the FBI, and DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency in Pentagon) painted a picture of the South Korean CIA (KCIA) in the 1960s with close ties with Moonies that the founder of KCIA, JP Kim, assisted Moon’s Church in building foundation in Japan and US.
The DIA reported in its 1987 cable that JP Kim was receiving financial and organizational support for his Presidential bid from the Unification Church as JP Kim has been maintaining a hand-in-glove relationship with Rev. Moon since 1960s.
JP Kim is the most sleazy and despicable political hack in the current political circle in South Korea, and he still frequents to travel to Japan whenever he needs money for his dirty business of the political manipulation, as other politicians, including DJ Kim, do.

Moonies connection to DJ Kim, the current, soi-disant people’s president of South Korea, were discreet until DJ Kim on February 1 1999 joined publicly and enthusiastically in a celebration at Lotte Hotel hosted by Moon and his wife (known as True Parents) and congratulated them for their work.
According to the DIA report, Moonies during the presidential campaign in 1987 were putting money into the hands of DJ Kim, Youngsam Kim, and JP Kim, leaving General Roh whom was elected a President.
Moonies wanted the Generals party defeated while to win influence with the civilian rulers, because general’s autocratic regime was not friendly to the Church. Moonies were hedging their bet with whoever of three Kims ends up as the next president.

Another DIA documents show that Rev. Moon in early 1990s has delivered millions of dollars in secret payment to North Korean leader, Kim IL Sung who desperately was in need of cash for the nuclear arms buildup.
The current leader, JI Kim is cozy with Rev. Moon who hails from North Korea and wishes to leave his legacy as a religious gate-opener in the communist country, and Moonies are promised by Chairman Kim for the future projects for the automobile manufacturing.

When George H W Bush was running for the US Presidency in 1987, the Washington Times that was owned by Moonies vigorously defended Bush’s assertion that he was out of the loop in the Iran-Contra scandal and the paper spread rumors about the mental health of opposition Democratic candidate, Michael Dukakis.
After the Bush family was really out of the Washington loop, Moonies were putting money directly into the pocket of Bush family, inviting Bush and his wife Barbara for speeches in US, Japan, and Brazil paid by Moon-affiliated organizations, each speech fee amounts to $100,000.
In 2000 US presidential campaign, Moonie-owned Washington Times again pummeled Al Gore, opposite candidate of George W Bush, with the false accusation calling Gore a delusional politician who not only manufactures gross, obvious lies about himself and his achievements but appears to actually believe these confabulations.

Moon Inc. also played a role of guardian angel to salvage the Christian Fundamentalist.
In 1995, Moonies gave a $3.5 million grant to the Christian Heritage Foundation, which later paid a large portion of Liberty University’s debt, rescuing Rev. Jerry Falwell’s Virginia religious school from the brink of bankruptcy.
Falwell, who once boasted he spurned a $1 million speech fee from Moonies in the 80s, was caught in Moon’s orbit in the 90s, sitting at the head table for Moon’s inauguration of another front group, Youth Federation of World Peace.
Moon’s strategy was to carve out a niche in the conservative right-wing circle that they can buy the political influence in the US.

Moonie Christianity is based on a new interpretation of Genesis in the Old Testament about the Fall of Man. Instead of biting into a forbidden apple, Eve copulated with Satan and then passed on the sin by having sex with Adam. Thousands of years later, god sent Jesus to restore man to his original purity, but Jesus failed because he was betrayed by Jews and died before he could father any sinless children.
That failure forced God to send a second Messiah, who turned out to be Moon himself.
Moon saw this task as starting the purification of mankind through the multiple sexual relationship between him and numerous women and establishing god’s kingdom on earth with religion on tandem with political maneuver.

Rev. Moon’s battlecry over the established Christianity finally appears to be paid off with an offer of young Asian chicks to Pope’s archbishop and priest who are too salacious to resist the Satan
The followings are two news articles, showing that the Vatican is decaying and the Pope has no choice but to succumb to the religious influence of Moonies.

A. In recent sex sting operation in the New York State, a Roman Catholic priest who is the spiritual adviser at the high school in Connecticut was busted after having explicit sexual conversations online with an undercover agent posing as a 14-year-old boy.

NEW YORK (AP) - A Roman Catholic archbishop will be married in a group wedding performed by South Korean evangelist Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who arranged the marriage for the clergyman, Moon's organization said Friday.
Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, 70, will be married in a ceremony Sunday at the New York Hilton, said the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, the central group in Moon's movement.
The bride, chosen for him this week by Moon, is Sung Ryae (Anna) Soon, 43, a physician from South Korea, said Rev. Phillip Schanker, a federation spokesman. He said the newlyweds plan to move to Africa.
Milingo has long been at odds with the Roman Catholic hierarchy, although he remains based in Rome and still carries his title.
The archbishop is in New York City but will be unavailable to speak about breaking his celibacy vows until after Sunday's group nuptials for some 60 couples, Schanker said.
Milingo will then issue a statement making clear "he's not leaving the church or disassociating from the Catholic tradition,'' Schanker said.
Moon does not require those he marries to be followers of his religion.
However, it seems likely the Vatican would take action if the archbishop goes through with the ceremony.
"I don't think I should comment on this until we hear something directly from Milingo,'' Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said.
Milingo was archbishop of Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, when he ran afoul of the Vatican over his ministry of faith healings and exorcisms. He resigned under pressure in 1983, a very rare occurrence with an archbishop below normal retirement age and in good health.
Milingo then was brought to Rome as a functionary in the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples but continued public meetings of healing and exorcism. Last year, he was quietly retired from the post.
Moon's doctrines are well beyond the bounds of Roman Catholicism and the rest of traditional Christianity. For instance, the church believes Jesus was divine "but he is not God'' and followers regard Moon as the messiah who is completing the salvation Christ failed to accomplish.
Sunday's weddings culminate a 50-state U.S. speaking tour during which Moon has cultivated black Christian clergy. His organization cosponsored last October's Million Family March with Minister Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam.
Moon's organization said a flamboyant former Roman Catholic priest also will be married by Moon on Sunday. Rev. George Augustus Stallings of Washington was excommunicated in 1990 for creating the breakaway African American Catholic Congregation, of which he is now archbishop.
Stallings will be marrying Sayomi Kamimoto, 24, a registrar at the New York City campus of Moon's theological seminary, Schanker said.
In each of the last two years, Milingo has appeared at group weddings conducted by Moon. The rituals, called "Holy Blessing Ceremonies,'' are a central practice of Moon's religion. Moon arranges the marriages personally.
Moon teaches Jesus' ministry as messiah failed because of Jewish rejection and because he did not marry. Thus the "Lord of the Second Advent'' must appear at the end of time and, with his wife, become ideal "True Parents.'' The faith teaches the second messiah was born in Korea around 1920, so the 81-year-old Moon fits the criteria.
Moon has been married twice and has 13 children. He moved from Korea to live in the United States in 1973 and controls myriad non-profit associations and business ventures.
His faith received bad publicity over allegedly deceptive recruiting tactics and panhandling by disciples while Moon lived in luxury. Moon blamed religious persecution when he was later found guilty of tax evasion and sent to federal prison for 11 months.


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