Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Dogs of War: Chicken-hawks

The Dogs of War: Chicken-hawks
February 28, 2003

The famous US writer, Norman Mailer once told to his audience: “President G W Bush and many neo-cons have come to the conclusion that the only way they can save America and get it off its present downslope is to become a regime with a greater military presence and drive toward empire. My fear is that Americans might lose their democracy in the process.”

Many critics on the Bush policies use Rome Empire as a metaphor to depict the future United States that the US is always attacked by evil-minded neighboring countries as Rome was. There are no corners of world some American interests are not alleged to be in danger or under the attack.
The difference between Roman Emperors and the US Presidents was that American Presidents outperformed the Romans in turning metaphors like the war on terrorism into the actual wars on targets they pick to maintain the permanent instability in other countries.

While the rumor of war is rapidly spreading around the globe, a cabal of the armchair generals, fearing to lose control of debates on war in Washington, is desperately drumming up the spurious war against Iraq.
World knows well that they want another or new Saddam Hussein in Iraq, like the one that they had before 1991, who did as he was told… that is, they want their sons-of-a-bitch, an iron-fisted exiled junta.

When these armchair warriors encounter with any dissenter who stands against their wants of war, they immediately embark on the jingoistic/childish game on patriotism that many Americans shudder to avoid as much as possible…it is un-American to refuse to fight against terrorism that Saddam is a culprit who would use, alleged by George Junior, the weapons of mass destruction against the US.
They call war an art, but it isn’t. It largely consists in outwitting people, robbing widows and orphans, and inflicting suffering on the helpless for one’s own ends—and that’s not art: that’s business.

A funny part is the fact that many of these armchair warmongers have never been at fire-fight during their prime time, but are hot to go to war later as a pack of the dogs of war…a bunch of armchair war wimps, and the worst part is that they want others fight their war and others get hurt or die for them while they sit in the cushy armchairs at the posh Washington office, whipping a war horse paid by others.
In their politics, the sissy dogs of war are always cheerleading the ignorant and jingoistic young men on to give their lives.

The following is a ballad written by the satirists on these chicken-hawks who whip others go on to give the lives while dodging their duty to serve the country.
The Masters of War was a song by Bob Dylan during the Nam War.
The dogs of war are William Bennett, Richard Perle, Frank Gaffney, Newt Gingrich, Joe Lieberman, Trent Lott, Bill Kristol, Carl Rove, Dick Cheney, George Will, Tom Delay, Rush Limbaugh, et al.
You wouldn’t miss any of them on media circle any day, always talking about terror, war, patriotism and duty, and they all were draft-dodgers during the Vietnam War.

The Ballad of the Ochre Berets(Sung to the tune of 'The Ballad Of The Green Berets')

by Jerry & Joe Long

William BennettOn TVDefines our warAnd pockets his fee

Richard PerleClaims deaths will be fewIn his think tankThat's certainly true

Gaffney GingrichLieberman LottNever fought in NamPreferred not to get shot

Today Bill KristolSays "Do Iraq"But when duty called He didn't call back

Remained in collegeTo deferA chance to serveFor a term paper
100 excuses
They'd make that dayTill their draft boards letThem run away

Rove hurt his back
Cheney was too fat
Will's eyes were poor
DeLay's feet were flat

Rush couldn't riskHyperextending a kneeIf forced to wadeA rice paddy

But put a microphoneUpon their chestAnd they'll explainWhy combat's best
Can America stayThe land of the freeAnd remain the home Of hypocrisy?

“Masters of War” a song by Bob Dylan during the Vietnam War

Come you Masters of War
You that build the big guns
You that build the death planes
You that build the big bombs
You that hide behind wall
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks

Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good?
Will it buy you forgiveness?
Do you think that it could?
I think you will find
When death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul

Most of the current politicians and celebrities avoided to go to war during the Vietnam War, they belong to the class of rightwing warmongers who preferred to remain alive, to award the aluminum medals to the maimed veterans, to salute to a convoy of body bags, and to bleat a cry of jingoism laboriously.

As the Vietnam War was fought mostly at the expenses of poor white and Negro Americans (in Chicago region, for example, the poor white neighborhood had received three times more body bags than the affluent suburbs.), the current politicians, bureaucrats, or think-tank hawks have utilized various excuses, such as Student deferments, a doctor’s note, or the blue-blood connection, to avoid to join the combat duty.

Napoleon Bonaparte once commented that there are millions of common people who are ready to die for a mere medal of honor…history repeats that young average Joe-six-packs who watch continuously the war games at Fox and CNN TV after dinner are the one to pay with their lives and barrel-chested armchair generals who coop up in their situation room are the one to claim a victory with fanfare.
It is a pity and disgrace to see people relapse into the same pattern like zombies with neither will nor ability to resist the orders by these armchair generals.


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