Thursday, June 16, 2005

Pity the Koreans

Pity the South Koreans
“Yankee God Home…but please take me with you”.
September 10, 2002

The Koreans are more or less the most proudest of themselves in the world, comparable to the blue-nosed quality of the Aryan Nation or the biblically sanctioned chosen-ness of the Jewish state of Israel, and people around the world have amply witnessed their devilish passion and noisy fever during the World Cup Game in Seoul.
The Koreans live and die in the midst of these dreams of pride and react violently against any mistreatment or humiliation by foreigners.

For example, in a tragic accident that two schoolgirls were trampled to death by the US Occupational Forces in Korea, the Koreans stage a series of demonstration denouncing the arbitrary jurisdiction of the USFK in the SOFA (State of Force Agreement) and urge their government requesting the American soldiers to be tried in the Korean Criminal Court.
A splinter group of the extremists at the demonstration rally pumped their arms into the air, shouting “Yankee Go Home”.

The rub here is you have only seen the half of the Wagnerian hyperbole in Korean pride.

It has been well observed and recorded for centuries, especially during the past Japanese colonial era and succeeding and ongoing American neo-colonial occupation, that the Korean pride has fallen into the bottomless pit of degradation to their very soul and they have ended up to accept the servile imitation on the culture that their oppressors imported in order to marginalize them.
The Korean ambivalence of hate and love on their masters appears to be succinctly expressed in a cartoon banner: “Yankee God Home…but please take me with you.”

It is reported that a majority of young Korean would like to have “Made-in-USA” baby boys if they were given a chance, believing that it is a way to give their baby as a better chance in life as a choice in education, mandatory military service, or in fly-by-night if the Northern brothers invade the South.
Currently, Koreans are producing about five thousands (one percent) USA-brand babies annually and the Korean expatriates in LA colony are happy to establish the mini-industry that caters the long-term wishes of the Korean hypocrisy and shenanigan.

Pity the nation whose pride goes out the window to the dog when it bothers them and holds tight to the bosom when it pleases them.

Pity the nation that people deem their country a sovereign nation while piggybaging their master, Uncle Sam, on their back for over half a century.

Pity the nation whose presidential candidates have to be interviewed, assessed, and judged of their qualification as a factotum by a low-grade mandarin from the US State Department before the election, and people still entertain the hubris that Korea is an independent nation.

Pity the nation that is full of thieves, gangsters, crooks, confidence men, sellouts, snake-oil salesmen, and empty of a single person that is worth to become the Prime Minister among 43 million.

Pity the nation that the president has his two sons, relatives and confidantes incarcerated in jail for corruption and bribery charges.

Pity the nation that the president snared the Nobel Peace Prize, promoting a white lie that the national unification is possible with Uncle Sam on his back and North’s leader had accepted it.
Pity the nation that the president is such desperate in raising fund to cover the debt that he sucked out from the national pension fund into the Kosdaq casino, losing half of its values in a year.

Pity the nation that the president is such ignorant and illiterate on economics (he is a high school grad.) that he invited George Soros, a nefarious international currency trader and loan shark, to the Presidential Palace and begged him not to disrupt the Korean economy.

Pity the nation that people are such immoral to build the shrine for the memory of the assassinated military dictator who had killed and robbed the thousands of innocent Vietnamese people and whose bounty had built the highways and factories in the country.

Pity the nation whose people desperately attempt to become the Anglo-Korean by slicing, adding, augmenting, dying, coloring, and opening their body, nose, eyes, mouth, hair, pubic hair or any cavity, and by imitating, babbling, paraphrasing, eating, listening, viewing, or playacting Anglo culture.

Pity the nation that people care no one but themselves…a UN agency blames the South Korean Government of turning the blind eyes on 5,000 prostitutes from the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, and Russia, in order to supplement the declining Korean whores and prop up the local entertainment business around the USFK camps. (Koreans are furious about the Japanese government that refuses any monetary compensation of Korean comfort women during the WWII.)

Pity the nation…pity, pity, and pity…..


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