Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Two Cheeks of the Same Derriere

The two cheeks of same derriere
August 31, 2004

Americans are spouting gaga over their upcoming presidential election and pouring millions of dollars for “the dog and phony shows” in Boston and New York City, as if there has been any difference in policies, domestic or foreign, between the Republican and Democratic Parties: they are dumb enough to argue over a difference between tweedledum and tweedledee.

Two parties are actually One Big Party representing an imperial corporate America that has been on a warpath since the America-Spanish War to expand its territorial and colonial policies around the globe.
On an Iraqi quagmire, Bush and Kerry are on the same boat: Bush lied to dumb Americans and Americans followed him like a pack of lemmings.
Kerry goes further than Bush to mislead Americans: he said he will go to war and send more troops to Iraq even if he knew Iraq had no WMD and no relation to Osama.

Few Americans realize that they have been fighting a proxy war in the Middle East for half a century for the benefit of a tiny state of Israel…Jews got George’s balls tight with a gaggle of the Jewish neocon apparatchiks in every corner of his Administration who dictate and execute the pro-Israeli war in the region.
Kerry has sent his brother to Israel to assure Sharon (the butcher of Lebanon) that he will support the Jewish Apartheid Wall to confine millions of Palestinians in the biggest jail on earth. (His brother whose wife is a Jew converted to Judaism)

On the domestic side, the basic American consensus has been a proposition that government must do for people what people can not do for themselves, in which both parties abandoned since Reagan and Clinton Administration and replaced it with a winner-take-all “free market” virtue, resulting in 45 million Americans with no healthcare, 43millions under the poverty line, and two millions in jail, while the elite upper class (2 percent) enjoy billions of tax-cuts and largesse from the Government subsidies.

So which one should Americans pick between two Siamese twins joined by the corporate rumps, Bush or Kerry?
One school of thought insists: a defeat for a warmonger Bush is necessary to show the world that Americans care for the global peace, and with limited option, a vote for Kerry is an answer.
But, would Americans care for world peace that impedes their prosperity via imperial colonialism and territorial exploitation?
The answer is a resoundingly negative if you look at the US history…the destruction of American Indians, the exploitation of African slavery, the conspiracy to expand the territory in the US-Spanish War, the Vietnam War, etc.

By the way, are there anyone out there to explain an enigma that I can not resolve to understand?
It is a publicly well-known fact that Bush works only for the two percent of top-rung rich people to make them much more richer, and he still enjoys at least 46 percent of popularity among Americans.
Why, then, does the forty-four percent of Americans still support Bush for president although they do not benefit from Bush presidency? Are they so dumb not to know Bush only stands for the rich? Or are they so mesmerized by Bush’s lies that they do not know they are not represented by him?


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