Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Samson Option

The Samson Option (Jaw-jaw is always better than war-war)
January 18, 2003

*Author’s note:
For the audience who only listen to and say ditto to the mainstream media that are owned and controlled by the Jewish Americans and the Jewish supporters, the Samson option in reviewing the nuclear program of the North Korea would be “a rara avis” that hardly ring the doorbell, because Uncle Sam do never want to bring Israelis Dimona Nuclear Project in the Negev desert on the surface, especially in the start of the new Gulf War.

Everybody knows about the Samson Option that has been the Israeli strategy against the Arab hostility, but nobody wants to talk about it, because everyone has been trained over decades in looking the other way when it comes to the Israeli nuclear program. (If one ever makes a hullabaloo about it, then one’s voice is never heard again.)

“For the astute, a hint is suffice”; a Talmudic proverb

For weeks and months, there has been vociferous gaga among nations over the nuclear threat (?) of the North Korea, and pundits, anchorpersons, and analysts of every colors around the world pitched in their high opinion what to do with the pariah state who can not feed its own people.
And naturally, people are confused and misinformed of the situation that might develop into the nuclear brinkmanship and eventual conflagration in the Korean peninsular.

For the better understanding of the situation, we have to wear two pairs of shoes from both sides on the equal footing, the US and the North Korea, not like the western mainstream media that propagate and spin only the one-sided story from the US government, depicting the North Korea a rogue nation ruled by a madman.
Let us start by putting ourselves into the US shoes…

Our George wants the North Korea to stop immediately the nuclear programs, because the North Korea is one of the axis of evil that threatens the world peace.
The US would not discuss any package of deals to extricate the North Korea from producing the nuclear bombs, unless the North first acts to re-introduce the IAEA inspection team, blaming that the North has arbitrarily opted out from the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT).
The only assurance George could give to the North at this time is that Uncle Sam would not attack the North Korea militarily as randomly as they did to other weak nations around the globe, like Panama, Grenada, Libya, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Yemen, and Iraq.

The North Korea responded disdainfully to the one and only Super Cop on the globe: “No way, we would not follow what you ordered us to do, because we are the sovereign nation, not like the South Korea, your vassal state, and we would not yield to any imperial threat against our sovereignty.”
“In the 1994 Agreed Framework, you agreed to provide us two 1000-megawatt light water reactors that are to be built until 2003 and the construction remains far behind schedule at least until 2008.
We have no choice but to restart our old Yongbyon reactor to feed our hungry people.”

Now think about what you would do if you were put in North Korean shoes…for the North Koreans, timing is a god send for them to challenge the Super Cop whose hands are full in apprehending bad guys like Saddam, bin-laden, Muslim terrorists, et al.

For them, scrapping the nuclear program is like throwing out the life jacket from the typhoon-wrecked vessel in the middle of the ocean that would save them from drowning in the sea of enemy.
Would you give up only bargaining chip before sitting down with the 800-pound gorilla with tons of nuclear, hydrogen, and chemical bombs who has been historically harassing, sanctioning, shooting, bombing, and killing the poor and weaker nations around the world?

What do the North Koreans have in their option to protect them from the humongous bully on the block?
Nothing but the Samson Option!
The North Koreans have learned “the Samson option” long time ago from the Israel whose tiny land of country was completely surrounded by enemy Arab countries that were vent on annihilating the Jewish State from the face of the earth.

The Samson Option became no longer the nuclear option available only to Israel but also to the North Korea.
As Samson in the Bible, who was captured by the Philistines, brought down the temple pillars and killed himself and enemy, the North Koreans are playing card of the Kamikaze attacks on the South Korea, Japan, and the 37,000 plus US soldiers (the sitting ducks) on the peninsular, if they were forced into the total collapse situation.

In the early 1960, the Israelis, realizing that their existence as the Jewish state in the middle of hostile Arab nations totally depends on the technological achievement, especially the nuclear capability, have started to build the advanced reactor at Dimona that produced plutonium as a by-product. (The France in 1956 provided the reactor and plutonium processing plant at Dimona, and Shimon Peres, a peace-loving and so-called moderate Jew, fathered the Israeli nuclear program.)

Since then, the state of Israel has become the fifth largest stockpiles of over 400 nuclear warheads more than Britain (185 bombs), according to the Jane’s Intelligence Review.
In addition to Dimona Nuclear Program, Israel has the IIBR (Israeli Institute for Biological Research) at Nes Ziona for the chemical and biological warfare.
In short, Israel, not Iraq or not even North Korea has become the world’s best-known and most efficient secret manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction, contrary to the popular opinion spun by the Jew-dominated world media.

Hypocritically, Uncle Sam has kept the conspicuous foreign policy of ignoring reality toward the Israeli nuclear arsenal, pretending that Dimona does not exist on the map and Israeli nuclear bomb a non-bomb.
In addition, the US Government since 1949 provided the grand total of $85 billion worth in foreign aids to prop up the Israeli budget, in which large portion of money goes into the manufacture and maintenance of the nuclear arsenal, which violates the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (Israel is one of the four nations that did not sign the NPT, saying that it cannot rely on international safeguards when it is in a permanent state of war with much of the Arab world.)

Imagine if the North Koreans were devoid of the nuclear capability…would George offer any diplomatic approach instead of military retaliation to a 5-feet 3-inch pigmy Kim, because he likes the Koreans better than Iraqis?
You bet George would lob hundreds of bombs on the starving North Koreans without hesitation and demand the North Korean Army to pull back 100-miles from the DMZ, as in Iraq where the US and Britain recklessly have been raiding and bombing on the “No-fly-zone” for ten years.

The pigmy Kim was somewhat smarter than Mr. Bill Clinton who contemplated in 1994 to bomb the Yongbyon nuclear facilities but negotiated with Kim in the Agreed Framework.
However, Kim never trusted the sugar daddy and worked hard furtively to build the nuke bombs in the basement.
The pigmy Kim outfoxed the tall and wobbly Americans!
And George now blames Clinton, and offers the jaw to jaw engagement with Kim, instead of the typical US fason-de-parler, the pre-emptive strike against the Yongbyon nuclear power plant.

As the Israeli generals were determined that no future enemy would be able to attack on Jews as far as they hold the nuclear arsenal, the North Koreans would hold their nuclear baby tight in their bosoms no matter what a fabulous gift Uncle Sam offers them.
Who dares to corner and kill a sewer rat that determines to use the Samson Option without hesitation, as if a batch of Muslim fanatics blew themselves up at the Twin Towers?

Paradoxically, the North Koreans have no other alternatives for its survival other than the Samson Option that surely targets the following groups: the South Koreans, surely 37,000 American soldiers who overstayed in the Korean peninsular and hoisted by their own petard, and probably the Japanese who host 40,000 US soldiers.
Interestingly, the Samson Option works more effective and becomes more powerful when its targets include the lives of the Super Cops whose values are closed guarded, selfishly adulated, and divinely chosen.

However, life is such precious thing because we only live once, not twice, and death makes us equals no matter whether you are a Super Cop or the pigmy Kim.
Don’t chase a suicidal rat to the corner…jaw-jaw is always better than war-war.


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