Thursday, June 16, 2005

The South Korea as a Vassal State of America

South Korea as a Vassal State of America
September 21, 2000

Recently, the Foreign Minister of the DJ Kim’s regime has sheepishly acknowledged in his speech at the meeting of Asian Society in San Francisco that the process of inter-Korean reconciliation and cooperation cannot proceed, without US support and cooperation in which Americans demand to clear the air of concerns about the North’s ballistic missiles and nuclear threats in the region.
He also emphasized that the inter-Korean rapprochement could not be facilitated further without the improved relationship between the North Korea and the United States, admitting that DJ’s so-called Sunshine Policy is subject to the whims, interests and directives of his master, Uncle Sam’s foreign policy, contrary to his government’s assertion that the South has the sole mandate in the achievement of peaceful negotiation in the peninsular.

He also reiterated the South’s position that US military presence must be maintained on the peninsular even after the unification in order to guarantee the balance of power in the region, and he reminded the audience that the South has clearly urged the North to redress the concerned matters with Americans as soon as possible, with the veiled threat that no further economic helps may not come along without the North’s move.
In other words, the South strongly urges the North to join the club of the vassal states like Philippines, Turkey, and Egypt, that is, placing the North in South’s mode, and to accommodate Uncle Sam’s concerns by stopping the further development of ICBM programs and the shipments of its nuclear technology to the other “rogue states” like Iran, Syria, and Libya.
It seems clear now that DJ Kim was called on the White House carpet during the talks with Mr. Clinton and he was hauled over the coals for giving up too much without getting back nothing from the North, contrary to the South’s media’s report that Mr. Clinton has rendered the full support for new détente.

The US message is evident that the North has no right to defend itself from the American attacks, while American military carries hundred times more of destructive nuclear power in the region. The North insists that their nuclear capabilities are a sovereign exercise in preparation for the national defense against the possible US aggression.
When Nicaragua under the Sandinista regime wanted to purchase vintage 1950s MIG fighters from the Soviet Union to defend against the US sponsored Contra guerrillas, Uncle Sam threatened to bomb Nicaragua because this old planes are capable of attacking the mainland USA, a threat to national security.
The United States consistently sought after Israel’s nuclear monopoly in the Middle East and turned the blind eye over its violation of non-proliferation treaty while Israel has been stockpiling over 400 atomic bombs.
Uncle Sam’s demands to the North is like a rescue helicopter pilot demands a helpless survivor on flotsam in torrential ocean to discard his life jacket.
Imagine the situation in which the North would not have possessed the military strength with nuclear capabilities… the North would share the misfortunes of Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Yugoslavia, and eventually end up the killing field of its people by the South and US combined forces.

In the meantime, the South Koreans have been programmed not only don’t know they became vassals to Uncle Sam, but don’t even know that they don’t know, because they have been sitting by the American peg for half a century they don’t have any sensation of a leash around their neck until they stray to feel a tug of restraint.
DJ Kim, a supreme opportunist who sold his people down the river, has been jigging a Sunshine tune on the American pinhead, doling out tons of fertilizers, rice, corns and spies to the North without any substantial reciprocity.
And Uncle Sam has stopped the music reminding him that he is not an independent and sovereign player, but a go-between vassal who has to render fidelity to his lord, requesting a substantial return for his largess to the North.
For the North Koreans, they have developed to have the tendency of a pariah how to stomach humiliation and swallow insult with a frozen smile…when their patrol boats were sunken by the massive fire power of the South’s naval vessels, they just groan and moan with the empty promises of retaliation. In the obviously provocative patting-downs by the American security guards against their head of the state at the Frankfurt Airport, they obligingly accepted the letter of regret, not an apology from Uncle Sam, closed the window of retaliation, and agreed to have a talk with Uncle Sam.
Have the North metamorphosed from the evil nation to a benign country?

The North has no reason, for a while, to become ballistic about their neighbors, who offer a brotherly helps bringing bowls of rice and sacks of greenback, promise to open a legendary silk road and to build an industrial zones, and wire billions of dollars for tourism.
Their great leader was upgraded pro bono as a cute, talkative, new kid on the international bloc from a deadly terrorist by their detractors.
They have got their partisans, guerrillas, hit squads, and assassins back with no return of the South’s prisoners.
They have scored immensely in agitprop campaign against the South that has been mired into the dirty partisan conflicts between the conservatives and progressive politicians.
The North was able to obtain what they desperately needed in food and capital shortage without giving up their nuclear capabilities through the good office of a cunning and Machiavellian politician, DJ Kim who is hungry only for his personal triumph, a Nobel laureate.
JI Kim, an urchin in the region, has achieved the tasks of what his deceased father had not been able to obtain in five decade, without the one drop of bloodshed except a few boxes of mushroom.
The North’s nuclear capabilities are analogous to the sanctity of Jerusalem City where Jews, Muslims, and Christians would never totally give up to its nemesis

DJ Kim has been rhapsodizing his Sunshine policy with the help of his lapdogs, the mainstream media in the South, implanting his people with utterly false impression that the peace in the region is near and the unifying the country in German mode is probable.
Here are some basic questions that may render the answers to the South Koreans, if they seriously ponder about it.

1. Has the South Korean government been a sovereign state that exercises and executes their foreign and domestic policies for their own people without any interference from the United States? Yes or no.
2. Do you think that the country could be united in a German fashion, as DJ Kim indicated, while it keeps thousands of American soldiers as the balancing forces in the region? Yes or no.
3. The South and the US request the North to abandon their nuclear strategic programs in return for the economic help. Do you think the North would comply with it honestly? Yes or no.
4. Do you think that the United States honestly support the North-South rapprochement, if it brings about the inevitable withdrawal of their military forces from the peninsular? Yes or no.
5. Finally, do you believe that the United States, of which the North has termed as an imperialistic entity, has been your benign and benevolent neighbor? Yes or no.

When you answer with all questions in the negative, you are a commie (or sympathizer), revolutionary, and extremely indigent underclass.
On the contrary, if you answer it all positive way, you are a dimwit, a nincompoop, a dittohead, and an affluent prodigal son.
Finally, if you answer with an ambivalent attitude, like “Well, Gee, I don’t know, Maybe,” you are the fittest person to survive in this dog-eat-dog society, eventually becoming a pathological liar like DJ Kim who does everything and anything in order to get elected a President.


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